Monday, March 17, 2008

Guides and What to Consider When Starting an Internet Home Based Business by Jeff Casmer

The attraction of an Internet home based business is very strong for anyone. You are your own boss and you eliminate the need for the daily commute. But perhaps the strongest attraction could very well be the strongest distraction as well, your family. If you have a big family with lots of small children, they can eat too much of your time and distract you from your work. Pets and homework could get in the way of your daily schedule.

Aside from that, the transition from working in an entirely different people filled environment to the solitude of your own home should be considered. There are a lot of different factors to think about. Internet home based business can either be right or wrong for you. That is why before finally deciding to start your own Internet home based business you should try to consider some of these things.

· Take a look at your own personality. Do you like to work alone? Will you miss the experience of working with different kinds of people? Can you be motivated to work and meet deadlines on your own? These and more questions should be asked before starting your Internet home based business. Make sure that you are ready.

· Set your goals. You must know everything about your home business, how much money you are going to spend and what is your potential profit. You should be prepared always. Knowing what you can achieve and setting your eyes on them gives you the motivation and the drive.

· Do research and talk to experts. Don’t just plunge in; know more about the kind of home based Internet business you’re trying to get into. Talk to people who are in a similar type of business, ask them questions about aspects of the business that you don’t understand or baffle you.

· See if your home business will be able to meet all your financial needs. It must provide a steady stable income that can provide for all your family’s needs.

· Also, start a business that you enjoy, you have to be motivated to wake up in the morning ready to start the day with your home based business, you are your own boss.

If you have finally decided to start your Internet home based business and have done all your home work, the key to making your home office conducive, as a working environment is organization. You have to be very organized with every aspect of it.

Your work place should have everything you need within arms reach. It should also be devoid of any distractions. You should be ale to tell that it is indeed an office yet be very comfortable.

Your work schedule should also be organized as well. Have your daily activity well thought out. The distractions of home could lead to backlogs in work making you stressed and worked up by deadline time.

Have a well-organized break and meal schedule. You shouldn’t stay cooped up in a room in front of a computer for more than two hours. This could put a lot of strain in you. Also, never miss meals; this could lead to an ulcer and a lot of other types of illness.

Your family time should not be neglected. One of the allures of an Internet home based business is being with your family; some people who are hyped about their business tend to neglect their family.

Having an Internet home based business is a lot of fun, and you get so many benefits. You don’t have the old job security and it can get quite lonely at times. However, try to understand and follow some of the guidelines mentioned here. It is a great start to see if you are able to work a home business.

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. He is currently featured as a "Top" Affiliate of ThePlugInProfitSite. His "Top Ranked" Earn Money at Home Directory gives you all the information you need to start, maintain, and prosper with your very own Work at Home Business in the 21st century.

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Jeff Casmer

Google Came From Thin Air? The History of Google by Jeff Casmer

The date was September 7, 1998. The event, two Stanford University students, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, co-founded Google, a company they started as part of a research project in January 1996. The company was first incorporated as a privately held company but become public August 4, 2004 raising 1.6 billion dollars. The history of google had just begun

Google's mission statement is, "to organize the world information and make it universally accessible and useful." Few companies follow through with their mission as well as Google.

Larry Page and Sergey Brin created Google on the hypothesis that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between the different websites could get better results then the techniques in that currently existed, which essentially ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page. They called it Backrub in the beginning due to the fact that the system used back links to estimate a website's importance.

In 2000, Google launched its advertising creation, AdWords. For a monthly fee, Google offered to both set up and then manage a client's advertising campaign. AdWords is able to define several important factors in keywords when and ad is first created to determine how much a client will pay-per-click, if the ad is eligible for ad auction, and how the ad ranks in the auction if it is eligible.

Google took clean and simple design elements to a whole new level. Thanks to the text based advertisements, Google was able to maintain an uncluttered page design that encouraged maximum page loading speed. Google's simple design quickly attracted a large population of loyal internet users.

The web search services offered by Google were instrumental to its success. The company uses PageRank for its search engine optimization program. PageRank is a set of algorithms for assigning numerical weighting to hyperlinked documents (web pages). Its purpose is to measure the relative importance within the set. By following a set of guidelines provided by Google, webmasters can ensure that Google's web crawlers are able to find, index, and rank their websites. PageRank is a registered trademark of Google. Stanford University owns PageRank's patent.

Google credits its success and popularity to PageRank. To deter webmasters from using abusive techniques to garner higher rankings for their search engines the company will not disclose the algorithms used to rank pages. Google does, however, confess that PageRank runs on a link analysis algorithm. PageRank was different from all the rest of the search engine optimization techniques because it graded each page based on the number of and quality of the links that pointed to it.

Through a series of new product developments, acquisitions and partnerships, the Google has expanded its initial search and advertising business into other areas, including web-based email, online mapping, office productivity, and video sharing, among others.

Since the purchase of dMarc, a radio advertising company, Google has begun to experiment with other markets besides web based advertising; this includes both radio and print publications. Google has been experimenting selling advertisements in the Chicago Sun-Times. This expansion allows Google combine three niche advertising media--internet, radio, and print media. The history of Google had just begun......

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on search engines optimization please visit his "Top Ranked" Best Search Engine Optimization Products Directory gives you all the information you need to Earn Money Online in the 21st century.

Contact the Author
Jeff Casmer

Google Adwords: Earn Money on the Internet From Your Campaign by Jeff Casmer

Earning money on the internet often means advertising. When it comes to return on investment, pay per click advertising is one of the most effective methods to generate traffic to your website. Frequently, those who click on pay per click ads are in the buying rather than browsing category. There are numerous pay per click platforms out there, but Google Adwords is the most popular. There are many programs out there that can teach you how to use Google Adwords and earn money such as:

Learn Google Adwords

Why use pay per click? If your are not showing up for some important keywords or if your site is entirely commercial and offers little or no content then pay per click is an advertising model that you may want to consider.

Google Adwords enables advertisers to place their ads in the right hand column of search results, instead of offering placement in the organic search engine results. It allows work at home sellers to reach their target market in other networks (search networks) such as, AOL, and Netscape.

While Google Adwords is a handy tool for marketers who want to increase their conversion rate, like all tools, it has to be used properly if it is to be effective.

You need to manage your ad campaign carefully if you want success with Google Adwords. This means carefully paying attention to the following elements.

Keyword Selection: You want to choose relevant keywords that your buyer might use but they also have to accurately reflect your website's offer. As a general rule, it is recommended that you avoid using broad or vague keywords.

For instance, if you sell skiing equipment avoid the keyword "skiing." These types of keywords will not help you earn money on the internet or working online, because users who search with these types of keywords are in the browsing phase. You want to attract serious buyers. Thus, keyword phrases and keyword variations such as "red skiing outfit" or "red skiing outfits" will be more effective.

Proper keyword selection requires research. There are quite a few keyword research tools available. Most work from home marketers use which charges a monthly fee and Keyword Elite which only charges a one time fee.

Keyword bidding: Bidding can get out hand, when it comes to Google Adwords. You need to carefully consider your budget and your business goal. Believe it or not bidding on the top spot can hurt your campaign more than help it.

Studies show that internet users click the number one spot out of impulse not necessarily because they are interested in your offer. So while you may receive a great deal of visitors you're not receiving quality visitors that is-people who want to buy. The third, forth or even fifth position are more effective if you want to earn money on the internet or working online.

Writing ad copies for selected keywords: Your ad has to be compelling and clearly spell out the benefits of visiting your site. You only get a few seconds to convince someone to click on your ad so make sure your ad is concise, avoids repetition and identifies what is unique about your offer.

Google Adwords can greatly improve your conversion rate, if you take the time to research relevant keywords for your site and write an ad copy that entices the reader to click on your ad.

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on earning money on the internet please visit his "Top Ranked" Earn Money On the Internet Directory which gives you all the information you need to Work From Home in the 21st century.

Contact the Author
Jeff Casmer

Getting Rich with Third Party Affiliate Programs by Jeff Casmer

For most business scenarios, dealing with a third party should be kept to a limit as you want to have as much control over your operation as possible, except when it comes to the business of affiliate marketing and the concept of getting rich with these programs.

Affiliate marketing is an online business that lets you promote products and services for a company. Once you join an affiliate program you receive a unique ID; this ID is added to marketing creatives provided by the merchant ie. banners, and text links. These marketing tools can then be placed onto your website; when someone visits your website, follows the link, and makes a purchase you receive a commission. Commissions vary from retailer to retailer; you can see a few cents or even a few hundred dollars.

If you are an affiliate, or are serious about becoming one, then consider joining third party affiliate programs or networks such as Commission Junction, Amazon and Clickbank. Such websites supply affiliates with products to sell, website content, stats, complete tracking services and, most importantly, they send out your commission checks.

Why work with a third party, why not search and work with company directly? Third party affiliates networks are affiliate malls--thousands of companies are gathered under one control panel. Once you are accepted into a network like Commission Junction you can begin promoting high profile companies such as Apple or even Dell. There are companies for virtually every known online niche.

For you to locate, research, apply and begin promoting for many of the third party affiliate programs have to offer would take ample time out of your year. Finding good quality affiliate programs can be taxing. There are many scams out there and even those that do offer a legitimate service are unknown by many--meaning majority of people will walk away for fear of being scammed. But third party sites like Amazon already have good standing in the eyes of online shoppers.

True, you may be offered higher commissions if you were to cut the middle man out but many affiliates complain of making fewer sales. When you work with third party affiliate programs you increase the chances of making sales, because promoting a company like Dell, which airs lots of commercials and is a household name for many users, associates you with a product people already trust. When a person comes to your site and sees a product like Dell (or another familiar name) they feel more comfortable making the purchase.

There are also many websites like Clickbank, a site focusing on e-products, which show you which company offers what commission rate. As well as the percentage referred and it's popularity. This makes it easier to find the products that offer the best commissions with favorable competition.

Many affiliates have created success stories using third party affiliate programs because nearly all of them provide you with tips to increase sales. They have up to date marketing methods that you can try and their customer service reps get back to you in a timely manner. They have the resources to make the selling process a little easier for you, which make them a perfect resource for anyone who is trying to get rich and cut out a little wealth for themselves online.

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on affiliate programs please visit his "Top Ranked" Internet Affiliate Programs Directory gives you all the information you need to Work at Home in the 21st century.

Contact the Author
Jeff Casmer

Free Traffic Online: Can You Really Earn Money On The Internet? by Jeff Casmer

Working from home is one of the best ways to grow a passive income because virtually any one can do it. However, no one can earn money on the internet without traffic. Offline businesses rely on location. Online however, the rules change slightly; you are both everywhere and nowhere. Because of this, location takes a backseat to traffic.

It is this aspect that makes earning money on the internet so appealing. You have the potential to reach millions of customers. The challenge for most new work at home business operators is that you don't have the capital of a large corporation to do it. The advantage of earning money online is you do not need it.

A small online business owner can attract hundreds of visitors without spending thousands of dollars on advertising. Getting free traffic online should be a mission for new work at home fanatics.

Link Exchange

Earning money on the internet involves building a brand. One of the best ways to do this is by participating in link exchange. This is when you and a non-competing but similar company host links on one another's websites. For example, if you offered a web design service you could exchange links with a website who offered web hosting. Chances are people who visit the web hosting company will then want to begin building an attractive website for their business.

If you sold baby clothes online you may consider exchanging links with someone who sells custom made cribs. In order to have a successful link exchange campaign, you need to exchange links with companies who have authority online. That is, you will want to work with a website that has been online for over a year and receives at least 30 unique visitors a day.

You also want to be sure that the website is related to your own content and material, because you want to attract the same type of customer. Also, exchanging links with non related websites can hurt your ranking. Doing a search for "link exchange" will turn up a number of opportunities, many of them are free.


Blogging has become an excellent, if not "the" way to earn money on the internet. Since blogs get spidered faster than websites many people are setting up blogs related to their business to drive traffic to their website. Commercial websites, for instance benefit greatly. They can use their blogs to write content, and answer questions potential customers may have.

It is also something you will want to consider if you are an affiliate marketer. Most affiliate websites are the same which means that you will have to exercise your creative efforts to stand out. Blogging not only helps you differentiate yourself from your competitors you also build your authority while sending traffic to your affiliate website.

Wordpress is the choice for most people who earn money on the internet. It is free to set up and can be installed directly into a sub directory within your website's domain.


Getting free traffic onlineoften means getting in front of people and directing them somewhere else. Forums not only let you build credibility, and learn, you can also use them to drive traffic to your website. Most forums let you create a signature which you can use to pull traffic to your site. In order to make this work for you, you must find a forum that is relevant to your website and you need to work on establishing yourself as a reliable, helpful resource. This means avoiding blatant advertising.

Getting free traffic online does take time and dedication but it is worth it if you seriously want to earn money online. Your work at home business is heavily dependant on traffic thus, using the methods mentioned above is great way to start getting traffic and building your brand.

Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on earning money on the internet please visit his "Top Ranked" Earn Money Online Directory which gives you all the information you need to Earn Money on the Internet in the 21st century.

Contact the Author
Jeff Casmer